The SmartIntegration Platform

InterWeave SmartSolutions


Why choose to integrate with the
SmartIntegration Platform for CRM.

Top Companies select InterWeave based on its powerful, comprehensive cloud-based Solutions that have made it the preferred choice in CRM Integration today. InterWeave provides your Sales Team information from your Accounting Systems, Payment Gateways and other Data Repositories in real-time, allowing business decisions that are aligned with the Customers data. This benefits the Company, and it benefits the Customers.

InterWeave provides SmartSolutions®, which allow customers to easily connect to any combination of cloud and on-premises applications without software; InterWeave is (Saas) Software-as-a-Service, which is software delivery and licensing in which software is accessed online via a subscription, just like your CRM Solution.

Top reasons to choose InterWeave.

No Code

SmartSolutions are Solutions which are in Configurable Form. The Solution has been developed at very low levels, but is presented in Configurable Form, typically at Object Level.


SmartSolutions provide business process and workflow as selectable options that can be Configured almost down to field level – unheard in the industry today.

Best Practice

InterWeave Business Analyst have completed over 8,000 Configurations since 2006. Over fifteen pre-configured Models by Industry allow for robust conversations based on Best Practice.


Every Configuration is based specifically on a Customers Business Process and Work Flow, making their Solution completely unique to their requirements.


InterWeave Support personnel engage with customers utilizing Zoom and our Freshdesk.InterWeave Support Forum. Meetings are organized in two hour increments every day if needed.

What’s next?

Contact your InterWeave Sales Representative and schedule a demo.

When you decide to engage with InterWeave, you will be given a sign-on and password to our help site –, and let’s start the process.

We look forward to having you as a customer.